Some foods and drinks can help, even if the idea of putting anything in the mouth can not seem welcome.
Below is a list of 20 items that should be part of the diet of those who are suffering from this problem:
Water: is the main item that should be consumed. The alcohol dehydrates the body, and the fluid becomes more important than ever. Even helps treat headache.
Garlic: natural antibiotic, protects from infections by fungi, viruses and bacteria. The components of garlic have anti-inflammatory action, aiding in digestive problems.
Rice: dose of energy with the advantage of containing proper amount of vitamin B and protein.
Canned tuna: the fish helps restore a number of minerals that the body loses when in contact with alcohol.
Olive oil: The oil decreases the rate of absorption of alcohol in the body.
Banana: the dehydration caused by alcohol consumption lowers potassium levels in the body. This can cause excessive fatigue, nausea, cramps and cravings. And to help prevent these symptoms, a banana, rich in mineral, may be good ally.
Chamomile tea: good to cure digestive problems and nausea. Preferably sweetened with honey, to help recover the levels of blood sugar.
Peppermint tea: another drink that helps in the digestive process, and also in detoxification of the body.
Mushrooms: they are sources of selenium, antioxidants and vitamin B that helps the liver in the detoxification process.
Spinach: the vegetable contains folic acid, vitamin C and sulfur nutrients that help eliminate hangover symptoms, and collaborate with liver cleansing.
Beans: source of fiber and folic acid, and protein is good food to help recover the body.
Ginger: combat the nausea, it has anti-inflammatory action in the digestive system.
Whole grains: rich in vitamin B and essential acids, are allies in the process of detoxification that the liver puts into action to get rid of the excesses.
Milk: this drink is one of the items that can be consumed before the night, to help line the stomach and reduce the effects of drunkenness.
Nuts: a tip would be pinch a little while drunk, for proteins, vitamin E and other nutrients could help the body to not get into hangover.
Eggs: when the body detects the presence of alcohol produces acetaldehyde, which is the toxic product resulting from the first step in the metabolism of the beverage. The body then this produces glutathione to counter toxicity, but does not realize this. Therefore, the body suffers from the effects of alcohol and it comes the hangover. The eggs are cysteine-rich, protein containing glutathione. So, include them on the menu.
Pickles: Alcohol stripes the body of vitamins, salts and salt mining. And these little treats are rich in vitamin A, iron, potassium, vitamin A, calcium and manganese.
Quinoa: the grain is filled with amino acids and nutrients that are essential for health, especially in times of recovery.
Fruit juice: drink helps regulate sugar levels in the blood. Also resets mining salts lost due to alcohol consumption.
Tomatoes: rich in vitamin C and glutathione, a substance which the body needs to get rid of the toxins left by alcohol in the body.